Hello Marketer

business support and system set-up for marketers – look slick AF, save time and scale!

If you work in marketing and need some support then I am here for you, whatever that support might look like. Think of me as your right-hand woman! Or channelling your inner Goose & Maverick, your wing woman (I know you hear me!)!
I specialise in working specifically with marketers because you are my kind of people and it’s highly likely that I am yours. And together, that means we make a team, a bloody good team at that.
I hang around with people who do marketing for other people, working as a freelancer, consultant or run a micro agency.
Marketing Strategists, Consultants, Digital Specialists & Social Media Managers, that absolutely love their business and have a ‘sky is the limit’ mindset.
Does that sound like you? Let’s make pals on Instagram or Linkedin!
about me…
So enough about you, let’s talk about me! I love marketing. I have been in your shoes as a marketing service provider and know my way around a corporate marketing department and working with agencies.
A big chunk of my past corporate life was as a ‘Revenue Systems and Projects Manager’ for an airline. That’s a bit of a mouthful, but what that means is I know how to make money through efficient systems and a well-oiled project plan.
Outside of my creative bubble, I’m a busy mum of two, Netflix binger and fitness wannabe. I love where I live in Huddersfield (Yorkshire) and you will find me trying out different networking events and co-working when I can.

do you struggle with/hate doing…

business organisation
When it comes to coming across as super organised and professional to your clients why would you not want that? Wanting that and doing it are two different things though so that is exactly where I come in.
I help you organise your workload and business processes in the engine room so you can just pull the levers and focus on where your strengths really are – marketing services for clients, not admin! If you need to outsource, automate tasks or handover a business process to a team member, I will sort out your task boards to make sense and automate anything that can be automated!

client onboarding
As a marketer you are used to helping your clients look amazing when they snatch that new amazing new lead, right?
I recommend systems that fit your business to make sure any touch points along your customer journey are polished and on brand so your clients get the easiest experience possible. In a nutshell I help you to make your clients feel that you and your business are slick as!

or.... just need some help!
Did you know that I’m a bit of a ‘marketer’ myself. In fact I am a big fat marketing nerd and I currently support my long standing B2B client with bags of marketing experience outside of the systems and client experience world that I love.
If you feel like there aren’t enough hours in the day, what is your go to solution for that? Work extra hours? Get someone to have the kids so you can get a few more hours of work in? Rush everything and therefore underdeliver on your promises to your clients or simply just sacrifice your well deserved downtime (even sleep)?
I can support you with your client workload whether it’s research for your client’s strategy, social media management, email marketing, copywriting or any project where you need the needle to move at the right pace for you and your goals.

i’m the right person for the job if…

You want more clients but need more time.

You want someone to do the job just like you.

You need some extra eyes for ideas or a more efficient way of working.

You want your clients to have a better onboarding experience.

You work alone or with other freelancers but need someone with experience to rely on.
here’s what i can do for you…

#1 System audit and strategy
If you pay for several different applications or have an unhealthy collection of google sheets, I can piece the digital puzzle together for you to save you time and money by recommending some life-changing processes and tools (yes really!)

#2: ClickUp: done for you
Let me build everything you need to run your marketing business from content planning, your own CRM to nurture those dreamy leads and any projects and a task management system that makes sense.

#3: Dubsado builds for marketing pros
The Marketer’s onboarding and CRM unicorn! If you spend ages on proposals & contracts and want to automate your whole onboarding and offboarding processes, Dubsado is for 100% for you.

#4: Business support & projects
When you need to get something off the ground for your own marketing strategy, launches, lead generation or some thorough audience research for clients, or simply clearing down the to-do list, I can help you move forward with your goals.